01 Oct Walk with a Doc | October 5, 2019
· Walk With a Doc was started in 2005 by Dr. David Sabgir, a cardiologist in Columbus, Ohio.
· Walk With a Doc is now in 500 locations worldwide.
· At each Walk With a Doc event, the participating doctor begins with a brief discussion on a current health topic and then participants spend the rest of the hour enjoying a healthy walk and conversation.
· Everyone is encouraged to walk at their own pace.
· Find a Walk closest to you by using the search tool on the Walk With a Doc website.
Why Walk?
Research as shown that walking 150 minutes a week, just 30 minutes 5 times a week, has tremendous health benefits.
- Walking improves your heart and brain health
Study after study has consistently shown that walking significantly reduces the odds of developing heart and brain disease. Walking regularly helps lower blood pressure and increases stamina.Walking has also been shown to lower LDL cholesterol levels in the body. LDL cholesterol is a type of cholesterol that clogs your arteries and increase the risk of having a heart attack and stroke.
- Walking aid with weight loss and digestion
After eating a satisfying meal, our natural inclination is to sit and rest. Also, many people tend to overeat at meals. When the digestive system reaches its maximum capacity, it draws large quantities of blood to the gut to assist with digestion. This effect leaves you feeling lethargic. Eating smaller portions throughout the day and taking a walk after your meals, helps with weight loss and improves digestion. Your gut will feel much lighter, and you will be more energized.
- Walking helps fight cancer
A sedentary lifestyles is a risk factor for developing cancer. Research has confirmed that walking regularly and in greater distances is an effective way to lower the odds of developing cancer and improving immune system function.
- Walking makes you smarter
Walking increases the flow of oxygen and glucose to the brain, allowing it to function at optimal efficiency. Since walking improves overall circulation, more blood is sent to the brain and improves cognitive ability.
- Walking boost the immune system, reduces stress, and improves mood
Walking regularly strengthens your immune cells and helps prevent hormone imbalances. Walking releases dopamine and norepinephrine from the brain, two potent neurotransmitters responsible for giving us that “feel-good high.” Relieving stress and tension leads to better sleep and better mood.
If you still need convincing, check out 95 more reasons to Walk
Please join us this Saturday, October 5,