Author: Manisha “Mona” Dave, MD Pediatric Gastroenterologist

Including children in cooking meals requires time and patience.  However, child and family experts unanimously agree that the time and effort invested leads to short and long-term benefits. Children learn by touching, tasting, seeing, feeling, and listening. During cooking, all of the senses are engaged. Cooking teaches children self-worth and responsibility....

As a pediatric gastroenterologist, I talk a lot about poop.  Talking about poop is a great way to get younger children giggling and the older kids blushing.  But seriously, your poop says a lot about your digestive health. So, how can you describe your poop to your physician without...

Why Walk? There is no question that increasing exercise, even moderately, reduces the risks of many diseases, including coronary heart disease, breast and colon cancer and Type 2 diabetes. Research has even shown that you could gain two hours of life for each hour that you exercise regularly. According to...

Summer 2020 is finally here!  Many of us have had summer plans change and most camps have been canceled.  With temperatures rising and all of us being outside a lot more, it is important to review summer safety precautions for our children. A few simple summer...

Over the past few months, I have gone from caring for all my patients in the office to seeing many of them virtually.  For me, it has been an amazing experience to be able to use technology to connect and help my patients while still practicing social distancing....