A Virtual Summer Camp Program For Children With Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis

A Virtual Summer Camp Program For Children With Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis

A virtual summer camp program for children with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis!

The 2020 sessions will be virtual from June 4 to August 23, 2020 for campers (grades 3-11), Leaders in Training (grade 12), and volunteers (age 19+).

  • Virtual registration is LIVE! We are accepting NEW applications! Campers must be entering grades 2 – 12 and have an IBD diagnosis in order to be eligible for virtual camp.
  • The virtual camp season will run June 14 – August 23. It will be offered free of charge to eligible campers. We will feature both national and local activities, with examples highlighted below.
  • We will be providing camp experiences through a variety of platforms, and will heavily leverage our new Camp Oasis Instagram page. Follow us @camp_oasis_ibd

Our summer camp series will include:

  • A packet of Camp Oasis swag and materials, sent directly to your camper via U.S. Mail in early June – this packet will include a “Parent & Camper Guide” which will outline camp activities and steps to ensure a safe and fun experience for campers
  • Group activities which will be facilitated online on a variety of platforms – all hosted by Foundation staff and trained, experienced Camp Oasis volunteers
  • Interactive social sessions via our new Camp Oasis Instagram page
  • A custom program for those eligible for our Leaders in Training (LIT) program
  • A pen pal program for those interested in connecting with campers across the country
  • Local activities we will be planning especially for each camp location