Author: Manisha “Mona” Dave, MD Pediatric Gastroenterologist

The specialty of pediatric gastroenterology has increasingly required pediatric anesthesiologists to be utilized as the role of gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy has steadily grown in the diagnosis and treatment of digestive diseases of childhood. Dr. Mona Dave, a pediatric gastroenterologist, uses the pediatric anesthesia services of...

Very few kids would say they crave a delicious fiber-rich meal. However, many foods, ranging from fruits and vegetables to McDonald's Southwest Salad with Grilled Chicken, are filled with fiber.  Fiber keeps your child’s digestive system moving. It is a natural laxative and, along with enough water, it...

What Is the Gut Microbiota? Your digestive system has tens of trillions of bugs. The combination of these various microorganisms is referred to as the gut microbiota. The gut microbiota can take up as much as five pounds of your body weight and includes over 1,000...