
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Department of Agriculture (USDA) requires all packaged foods to have a food label displaying nutritional information.  Understanding how to read a Nutrition Facts Label allows you to compare different foods and make choices that are right for you and your family. Four simple steps...

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has currently approved 8 artificial sweeteners and sugar substitutes. The number of foods and drinks with artificial sweeteners and sugar substitutes has skyrocketed.   Artificial sweeteners and sugar substitutes are being added to jelly, yogurt, fruit cups, cookies, soda, and juice.  Parents often believe...

Eating is such a basic part of life, yet it can get a bit complicated with unexpected health problems and the Internet world of conflicting information. If you throw in the changing needs for each age, gender and unique life situation, you can imagine how...

Added Sugars What are “Added Sugars”? Added Sugars are extra sugar that is not found naturally in our food.  Fruits, vegetables, and milk contain sugar naturally.  Sugars added during baking and processing to make our food sweet are called Added Sugars. ¾ of all packaged foods have added...